Biological products as plant protectors

Biological products include biohumus, orgavit, bio-cocktail, ash and HB-101.
Biohumus is obtained from waste and weeds processed by worms. This requires special humidity and temperature. Biohumus differs from manure in the absence of harmful bacteria. This is friable soil similar to chernozem. Soil fertility depends on the amount of humus. Worms process organic waste faster and better than composting does. Biohumus is disinfected and starts to smell pleasant.
They are watered with strawberry plantations, fruit trees and shrubs. It provides plants with a supply of nutrients for a long time, improves appearance, and increases root formation.
Orgavit is a natural fertilizer from horse manure in granules. It is easily absorbed by all cultures and can be used on all types of soils. It is safe for the environment, as it does not contain pathogenic microflora and weed seeds. This odorless fertilizer increases productivity and accelerates the ripening of fruit bearing crops.
After budding, for the prevention of diseases and against pests, trees are treated once a week with bio-cocktails.

Biological products as plant protectors

In summer, processing can be carried out 2 times a month. Several preparations belong to bio-cocktails: “Healthy Garden”, “Radiance 1”, “HB-101” and “Ecoberin”. Bio-cocktails feed plants through watering on leaves. They suppress diseases and can serve as prevention against pests. Use in garden plots for seedlings and indoor plants. It can be used for feeding fruit trees and shrubs.
Ash from the stove or from plant debris can be used as organic fertilizer. It not only fertilizes, but also helps to improve the structure of the soil. There is a lot of potassium in the ash, which can reduce acidity and positively affect beneficial microorganisms. In addition, the ash contains phosphorus, manganese, boron. But you can use only wood ash, and not from coal. Make it more effective with good humus. With the simultaneous use of nitrogen fertilizers or superphosphates, part of the nitrogen of the ash is lost. But still, the most common plant nutrition with a mixture of rotted manure, ash and micronutrient fertilizers. The mixture is poured with water, insisted for 5 to 8 days and used for feeding. Ash can be applied at any time of the year. Its benefits persist for several years ..